Sunday, December 11, 2011

Single Women and Social Events

Now that that we're in the midst of the holiday season, invitations and opportunities for attending social events come our way, sometimes in dizzying numbers. But if you're a single female, how do you handle parties and get-togethers where most of the other guests are couples? Even if you're around old friends, do you feel comfortable? Is a new group easier or more difficult to deal with than people you've known longer?

Earlier a reader commented that now that she is no longer part of a couple, she feels awkward in social situations with couples. Have you mastered a satisfactory solution to socializing? Do you have strategies that make it easier? Please share your experiences with all of us. This is certainly a time of year when discussion and advice will be appreciated.

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1 comment:

  1. It's a great challenge for organizers of social events to mix single people with married couples. It's very considerate of the one who has thought of ways to help singles mingle with couples and relate to them comfortably. Support and patronage are needed by the organizers to foster love and romance among the "lonely hearts".
